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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-3 12:34:00 | 只看该作者
<td></td>Species: Channel Catfish <br/>Angler: Tom D'Auria <br/>Location: Florida <br/><br/>Here's a couple pictures of some Channel Cats I pulled out of a local canal. I forget what I used for bait those times, but I've used anything from live or cut up baitfish, chicken liver, or bread. All my fish are released. <td></td><td></td><img height="280" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/TomDChannelcat105.jpg" width="350" alt=""/> <br/><img height="273" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/TomDChannelcat205.jpg" width="350" alt=""/><td></td>
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-3 12:34:00 | 只看该作者
<td></td>Species: Flathead Cat <br/>Weight: 35 lbs <br/>Angler: Erich Weber <br/>Organization: East-TN CATS <br/>Bait: Cutbait shad <br/>Location: Fort Loudon Lake <br/>Fate: Released <td></td><td></td><img height="420" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/Erilch56lbbluecat05.jpg" width="300" alt=""/><td></td>
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-3 12:35:00 | 只看该作者
<td></td>Species: Flathead Cat <br/>Weight: 35 lbs <br/>Angler: Erich Weber <br/>Organization: East-TN CATS <br/>Bait: Cutbait shad <br/>Location: Fort Loudon Lake <br/>Fate: Released <td></td><td></td><img height="370" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/Erich35lbflathead05.jpg" width="450" alt=""/><td></td>
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-3 12:35:00 | 只看该作者
<td></td>Angler: Calvin Matthews <br/>Fish: Blue Catfish <br/>Weight: 30 lb <br/>Location: Cape Fear River, NC <br/>Date: November 20, 2004 <br/><br/>Caught on the Cape Fear River, N.C. Nov 2004. Using cut bait,(brim,white bass) heads work best. This one was 30lb blue. Caught on rod in 40ft of water. We caught several that day. The Cape Fear holds many state records. <br/><br/>Calvin Matthews <br/>Wentworth, NC <td></td><td></td><img height="374" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/CalvinMatthewsbluecat1104.jpg" width="450" alt=""/><td></td>
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-3 12:35:00 | 只看该作者
<td></td>Angler: Lyle Galloway <br/>Fish: Flathead <br/>Length: 42 inches <br/>Location: New Caney, TX <br/>Fate: Released <br/><br/>I have seen this guy swimming around my trotlines eating the channel cats from it. Well looks like he finally got hooked. Took some pics and let him go. 42 inches , beautiful colors and a white belly with grey spots in very clear water. To all you catfish heads like myself. “ENJOY” Did not weigh <br/><br/>Lyle Galloway <br/>New Caney Texas <td></td><td></td><img height="362" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/LyleGallowayFlathead04.jpg" width="429" alt=""/><td></td>
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-3 12:35:00 | 只看该作者
<td></td>Angler: Zack Webb <br/>Fish: Flathead <br/>Date: 11/20/04 <br/>Bait: Shad <br/>Location: Fort Loudoun Lake, TN <br/>Weight: 40lbs <br/>Fate: Released <br/><br/>Caught this 40lb Flat in Fort Loudoun Lake on 11/19/04. <br/>Zack <td></td><td></td><img height="339" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/ZackWebb40lbflathead04.jpg" width="450" alt=""/><td></td>
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-3 12:35:00 | 只看该作者
<td></td><img height="402" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/MikeMitchell73lbflathead04.jpg" width="245" alt=""/> <td></td><td></td>Species: Flathead left, Blue right <br/>Weight: 70 lbs/73 lbs respectively <br/>Where: Tennessee River <br/>Angler: Mike Mitchell <br/><br/>Caught by me Mike Mitchell and released alive Rod &amp; Reel 30lb line TN River (Wilson &amp; Wheeler Lakes) Blue-70lbs Flathead-73lbs <br/>Check out more pics and Tournament Trail Info at www.southerncats.com <br/>Thanks <td></td><td></td><img height="400" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/MikeMitchell70lbBlue04.jpg" width="254" alt=""/><td></td>
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-3 12:36:00 | 只看该作者
<center><table cellspacing="5" width="600" border="0"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td>Species: Flathead Catfish <br/>Weight: 30 lbs. <br/>Bait: Live Bluegill <br/>Where: White River, Indiana <br/>Angler: John Fallon <br/><br/>A couple pictures of the biggest flathead we pulled out on one hot late summer night in September. Caught on live bluegill on 6/0 hook on 8 ft. Big Cat rod on the White River in Indiana. Released to catch him again another day. The other flatheads pictured were all between 5-14 lbs. They made for a great fish fry! </td><td><img height="281" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/jfallon30flathead04.jpg" width="329" alt=""/> </td></tr></tbody></table></center><center><img height="281" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/jfallonflatheadtrio04.jpg" width="375" alt=""/></center>
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-3 12:36:00 | 只看该作者
<td></td>Angler: Paul "Snakecharmer" Daniel <br/>Fish: Channel Catfish <br/>Date: August 27, 2004 <br/>Time: 10:30 PM <br/>Location: Arizona, Verde River <br/>Bait: Live Carp 5" <br/>Pole: 8' Med-Heavy Eagle Claw "Cat Claw" Pole <br/>Reel: Shimano Corsair 300 Baitcaster <br/>Line: 30 lb Berkley Big Cat <br/>Rig: 3/0 Khale on 24" leader from 3/4 oz sliding barrel weight <br/>Size: Dunno, I'm 6'2" 185 lbs. I guess the fish was 5 lbs? <br/>Fate: Released <br/>Beer: 6 pack of Fat Tire Amber Ale <br/><br/>I was after flatheads, and at first I thought this was one due to the color and the hit on live bait. Turns out, that adult channel cats turn green/yellow and lose their spots in the Verde River. You can see how happy I was to get my first cat!! <td></td><td></td><img height="321" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/pdanielchannelcat04.jpg" width="375" alt=""/><td></td>
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-3 12:36:00 | 只看该作者
<td></td>Species: Blue Catfish <br/>Weight: 40 lbs <br/>Angler: Chuck Yates <br/>Bait: Cut bait shad <br/>Location: Watts Bar Lake, TN <br/>Fate: Released <td></td><td></td><img height="253" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/cyates40bluecat0804.jpg" width="375" alt=""/><td></td>
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