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楼主: 火猫
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-3 12:45:00 | 只看该作者
<td valign="top"></td>Species:&nbsp; Flathead Catfish <br/>Weight:&nbsp; 58 lbs. <br/>Bait:&nbsp; Goldfish <br/>Angler:&nbsp; Robbie <br/><br/>My biggest flathead of last year was this 58 lb. Rod and reel From an Ohio lake. 5 inch goldfish for bait. Released this cat after the photo. Catchabiggun, <br/><br/>Robby - Katchaser Trophy Catfishing (http://www.stormpages.com/katchaser/) <td></td><td></td><img height="300" alt="58 lb flathead" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/robbyflathead.jpg" width="151"/><td></td>
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-3 12:45:00 | 只看该作者
<center><table cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="500" border="0"><tbody><tr><td><img height="166" alt="white channel catfish (albino?)" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/whitecator.jpg" width="242"/></td></tr></tbody></table></center><br/><br/><center><table cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="400" border="0"><tbody><tr><td><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">Species:&nbsp; Flathead Catfish <br/>Weight:&nbsp; 65 lbs. <br/>Angler:&nbsp; Larry Jennings <br/><br/>Here is a pic. of a good cat. Larry Jennings and 65 lb. Flathead. Photos were taken of the big cat. And the fish was released. Hope you can use this pic. Catch and Release..... Good fishing to all....</font></td><td><img height="250" alt="65 lb. flathead catfish" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/larryjenningsflathead65.jpg" width="190"/></td></tr></tbody></table></center>
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-3 12:46:00 | 只看该作者
<td valign="top"></td><img height="275" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/rtalabamabluecat1.jpg" width="158" alt=""/><td></td> <td></td><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">Species:&nbsp; Blue Catfish <br/>Weight:&nbsp; ~121 lbs ?? <br/>Angler:&nbsp; Randy Tobey <br/><br/>I've have caught lots of these, but only took pictures of only a few.&nbsp; Most were caught on 14# or 16# test trylene xl the rod was a Daiwa Eliminator 15' rod and my old Quantum QSS 8 reel. I was fishing at a dam in the open gates - the water was fast running and about 30' deep. <br/><br/>I was 180# in the pic. and I'm 5'9" so take a quess what the blue weighed. Hint...... I should have applied for the Alabama state record, which is about 10lbs less than mine. <br/></font><td></td>
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-3 12:46:00 | 只看该作者
<center><table cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="500" border="0"><tbody><tr><td><img height="275" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/rtflatheadcat1.jpg" width="149" alt=""/> <center><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">flathead..</font></center></td><td><img height="275" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/rtbluecat2.jpg" width="163" alt=""/> <center><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">..a blue</font></center></td><td><img height="275" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/rtbluecats3.jpg" width="145" alt=""/> <center><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">more blues</font></center></td></tr></tbody></table></center>
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-3 12:46:00 | 只看该作者
<td></td><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">Species:&nbsp; Flathead Catfish <br/>Weight:&nbsp; 69 lbs <br/>Bait:&nbsp; Live bluegill <br/>Angler:&nbsp; Tim Nolan Jr. <br/><br/>&gt;Here is a photo of our biggest fish from 2001.&nbsp; I don’t have the story behind it but it weighed in at 69 lbs. and I know it was a very strong fish. You can actually see the muscles in this one.&nbsp; The fisherman is Tim Nolan jr. and the fish was caught on a 4" bluegill</font><td></td> <td></td><img height="237" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/tnolanjr69.jpg" width="250" alt=""/><td></td>
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-3 12:46:00 | 只看该作者
<td valign="top"></td><img height="290" alt="41 lb. blue cat" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/cb41bluecat.jpg" width="243"/><td></td> <td></td><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">Species:&nbsp; Blue Catfish <br/>Weight:&nbsp; 41 lbs <br/>Bait:&nbsp; Live goldfish <br/>Where:&nbsp; Dayton, OH <br/>Angler:&nbsp; Chris Bush <br/><br/>Hello again, I could’t stand sending my buddies picture and not send one of mine.&nbsp; This is the biggest blue I`ve ever caught.&nbsp; Caught 9-15-01 this blue weighed in at 41lbs.&nbsp; Using a live goldie (3 inch) about 5 feet deep, using a Zebco Brute reel, and a heavy action Signature 9` rod.&nbsp; Stren 20 lb. is the best I`ve found for slip bobber fishing,&nbsp; About 10" or so.&nbsp; It does`nt float around as bad as other brands.&nbsp; This fish stripped all my line out and I had to walk the bank to tire him out.&nbsp; What a blast. Don`t get no better than that.</font><td></td>
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-3 12:47:00 | 只看该作者
<td></td><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">e Catfish <br/>Weight:&nbsp; 58 lbs <br/>Bait:&nbsp; Live bluegill <br/>Where:&nbsp; Dayton, OH <br/>Angler:&nbsp; Timmy Nolan Sr</font><td></td> <td></td><img height="300" alt="38-4 lb. blue catfish" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/38-4bluetnolan.jpg" width="222"/><td></td>
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-3 12:47:00 | 只看该作者
<td></td><img height="300" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/58shovelhead.jpg" width="216" alt=""/><td></td> <td></td><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">Species:&nbsp; Flathead Catfish <br/>Weight:&nbsp; 58 lbs <br/>Bait:&nbsp; Live bluegill <br/>Where:&nbsp; Dayton, OH <br/>Angler:&nbsp; Timmy Nolan Sr. <br/><br/>Hi, my buddy lucked out on this 58lbs. Shovelhead at a county park in Dayton Ohio on a 3" live bluegill at about three in the morning.&nbsp; Picture has been through hell because of braggin rights.&nbsp; Biggest one this year, so far.&nbsp; He bottomed out and he had to go out and get him. Fishing 20 lb Stren on a Berkley rod with a 888.&nbsp; Weve pulled plenty out of this lake. All of which were released in fine shape. <br/>Like your website and well send some more in for everybody to enjoy.&nbsp; Thanks <br/>Chris</font><td></td>
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-3 12:47:00 | 只看该作者
<td></td><img height="225" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/flatheadRR50-8.jpg" width="196" alt=""/><td></td> <td></td><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">Angler - R.R. Shumway (Catdaddy) <br/>Species - Flathead Catfish <br/>Weight - 50 lbs. 6 oz. <br/>Bait - Live bullhead <br/>Location - Kansas <br/>&gt;Caught this hog on a Pequa Night Angler rod with 20# Ande Envy Green Line.&nbsp; The bait was a one pound bullhead.&nbsp; This flathead took off like a bolt of lighting, i just let him run, he set the hook him self.&nbsp; I was using a Eagle Claw Circle Sea 7 OT hook.&nbsp; The hook rate is is the best its ever been useing these types of hook.&nbsp; And hey Jim, I kept plenty warm with my CARPE CARPIO flathead sweat shirt on.&nbsp; It was a flat head day.</font><td></td>
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-3 12:47:00 | 只看该作者
<td></td><img height="232" src="http://www.carpecarpio.com/RRBluecat.jpg" width="250" alt=""/><td></td> <td></td><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">Angler - R.R. Shumway (Catdaddy) <br/>Species - Blue Catfish <br/>Weight - 85 lbs. 8 oz. <br/>Bait - Live goldfish <br/>Location - Kansas <br/><br/>Caught this monster blue on a seven inch goldfish, just missed the Kansas state record by eight and a half pounds.&nbsp; By the way I used a log line to lure this monster in. <br/><br/>Logline - drive a spike nail into a log that won't move sticking up out of the water and tie your log line on it - consist of 5 foot of rope with two 8 ounce egg sinkers, a long strap of rubber with a 1500 lb swivel and a circle sea Eagle Claw 16/0 hook. There you go - Catdaddy <br/></font><td></td>
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