标题: 宝熊渔具Okuma重拳出击2012第三届广州国际钓鱼用品展 [打印本页] 作者: 墨雨听轩 时间: 2012-1-14 09:48 标题: 宝熊渔具Okuma重拳出击2012第三届广州国际钓鱼用品展 国际渔具巨头宝熊渔具Okuma将参加2012年3月9 日-11日在广州•中国进出口商品交易会琶洲展馆B区举办的2012第三届广州国际钓鱼用品展暨2012第二届全球路亚文化节,现场将携2012最新捲线器、钓竿等新品首次亮相广州,展位号:A077-088,欢迎新老客户,业界同仁观摩采购。公司介绍:本公司创立于民国七十五年四月八日,当时公司定名为宝熊渔具有限公司,原成立时公司座落于台中县 太平乡振兴路。民国七十八年迁移至旧址台中县太平市富宜路132号,并于民国八十五年改制为宝熊渔具股份有限公司。是由一群对钓鱼卷线器有相当丰富经验,及高度工作热忱的年轻机械专科工程师所组织创立,创立之初并无任何客户来源的支持,资金非常薄弱,凭着几位年轻人的冲劲、刻苦、耐劳、诚信、无私、敬业的精神,建立起宝熊优秀的企业文化,开始迈向历时二十年的自创品牌路。民国九十四年,为提高更好的生产效率与全方位的服务,公司在九月整合部门迁厂至台中县潭子乡中山路三段11号,以创造消费者更多钓鱼休闲的生活乐趣为目标,期能成为全球休闲钓鱼用品、营销和供应资源的最佳整合者。‧1997年 6月通过英国B.S.I.公司ISO9002质量管理系统认证。‧1998年 宝国渔具通过D.N.V公司ISO9002质量管理系统认证。‧1998年 双轴式卷线器产品 Magda、Titus Gold、Titus陆续获得台湾精品认证并得奖。‧1999年 1月通过英国B.S.I.公司ISO9001质量管理系统认证。‧2001年 纺车式卷线器产品 Epix 得到台湾精品认证并得奖。‧2001年 获外交部遴选为陈水扁总统访问中南美洲赠萨尔瓦多总统贺礼。‧2003年 3月获得台湾体育用品同业工会第一届年度风云奖。‧2003年 8月宝熊渔具荣获经济部第六届小巨人奖。‧2005年 纺车式卷线产品 VSystem系列-- VS 45 荣获台湾精品认证并得奖。‧2005年 荣获外贸协会肯定,获颁「台湾优良品牌」。‧2005年 12月「EOS椭圆传动结构」荣获第十二届创新研究奖。 公司主要产品: 1.纺车式卷线器 2.拖钓,船钓卷线器3.毛钩拟饵卷线器 4.钓竿5.钓线 Okuma will attend the Fish Guangzhou 2012--booth area is 108m2OKUMA, who is the international fishing tackle giant, will attend the 3rd Guangzhou International Fishing Fair 2012 which will be held in China Import & Export Fair Pazhou Complex-B Area during Mar.9th – 11th ,2012. They will show their latest products in 2012, such as: fishing reels, fishing rods, etc. Their booth number is A077-088. Welcome to visit and talk with them face to face!Company Profile:The company was founded in Apr.8th,1986 and located in Zhenxing Road, Taiping Township, Taichung County, calling Okuma Company at that moment. Then in 1989, it was moved to No.132, Fuzhi Road, Taiping City, Taichung County and the company reformed into Okuma Fishing Tackle Co.,Ltd in 1996. It was set up by a group of young mechanical professional engineers who had quite plentiful experience on fishing reels and high enthusiasm on works. At the beginning of founding, the company wasn’t supported by any customer source, and the capital was week. With the youngers’ positive spirit---pushfulness, hardworking, integrity, selfless, dedication, they built up the excellent enterprise culture of Okuma and started to create their own brand which lasted twenty years. In order to enhance the production efficiency and all-round service much better, sectors were integrated and the company was moved to No.11, the third section of Zhongshan Road, Tanzi Township, Taichung County. The company aims at creating more joy of life about fishing leisure to consumers, expecting to become the best integrator of marketing and supplying on global leisure fishing tackles ‧1997年 Pass the UK B.S.I company ISO9002 in June.‧1998年 Pass the D.N.V company ISO9002.‧1998年 Baitcast reel products---Magda, Titus Gold, Titus, acquire Taiwan Quality Products Certification and win prizes one by one.‧1999年 Pass UK B.S.I compnay ISO9001.‧2001年 Spinning reel product---Epix acquires Taiwan Quality Products Certification and win a prize.‧2001年 Selected by the Foreign Ministry as the gifts during president Chen Shui-bian visits Salvadorian president in Central and South America.‧2003年 Acquire the 1st annually TSMA Award in March.‧2003年 Win the 6th the Rising Star Award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs in August.‧2005年Spinning reel product: Vsystem series---VS45 acquires Taiwan Quality Products Certification and win a prize.‧2005年 Affirmed by external trade council, and acquire “Taiwan excellent brand”.‧2005年 In December, “EOS Elliptic transmission structure” acquires the 12th innovation research award.Main products:1.Spinning reel;2.Trolling reel, boat fishing reel;3.Fly and bait reel;4.Fishing rod;5.Fishing line. 广州国际钓鱼用品展新闻中心二○一二年一月十四日Fish Guangzhou组委会咨询电话:020-2831 4758 /68 /78 2012 广州第三届国际钓鱼用品展 组委会联系人:罗福雄 电话:13710606014 QQ:1220957511 网站:www.guangzhoufishing.com作者: 墨雨听轩 时间: 2012-1-14 09:49
:handshake :handshake :handshake作者: 注册不了 时间: 2012-1-14 13:31
忒远了。。。。。这帖子发到北京钓鱼网。。。。有谁用作者: 一张旧船票 时间: 2012-1-14 16:59
宝熊的产品我使用感觉很好性价比很高。我有根7尺的倒钓竿“卓匠”真不错,尖梢纤细但腰力足甩小亮片玩小马口超好使。抛的老远老远的还很灵敏中鱼马上就能感觉的到。想体会此竿手感的朋友可以等到廊坊春展的时候去宝熊公司的展台上去试试手感。反正我每次去廊坊展会的时候都要到米诺克展台看看宝熊的新产品的:handshake 。